Electronic Discovery - Electronic Discovery Services & Computer Forensics by ACE Data Group

Electronic Discovery

Electronic Discovery, Computer Forensics

ACE Data Group is a vertically integrated Electronic Discovery firm offering comprehensive services in the field of E-Discovery technology.


ACE Data Group provides consulting advice to assure that relevant and potentially relevant evidence is preserved. Our experts review the requests, identify the likely sources of responsive data and advise our clients about possible methods to employ. We meet with our clients’ IT group to determine its systems’ architecture and to devise a plan to efficiently preserve the data. In designing a strategy, ACE Data Group forensic experts develop methods for tracking and authenticating the data as it is captured, processed, prioritized, posted and produced.


ACE Data Group provides protocols designed to satisfy courts and opposing parties while reducing the scope and cost of E-Discovery. We also act as liaison between counsel and the client’s IT staff, and we manage the IT staff to assure compliance with agreed upon methods of collection and proper record keeping so that data can be authenticated in court. ACE Data Group experts testify regarding the collection process to counter spoliation claims and to assure the court that our clients have adhered to any court orders and agreements between the parties.


ACE Data Group works with clients to ensure that only responsive and non-privileged data is produced. Once the potentially responsive data has been identified, we use our proprietary methods to reduce the universe of the electronic files. In most cases, ACE Data Group reduces the mass by as much as 60 percent.


Once the data has been reduced, ACE Data Group converts the data into a format that can be used by the chosen document management system.


ACE Data Group helps clients choose the appropriate vehicle for storing and managing the data. We can create customized systems to reduce costs and provide efficiencies. Or, we can contract with a system vendor, supervise its work, act as a liaison throughout the project and testify about the handling of the data when needed.

If desired, ACE Data Group can also provide and configure computers for our clients. We exceed required evidentiary standards and chain-of-custody protocols. All forensics data is kept in a fire-proof safe in our facilities, under separate lock and key.