Law Firms and Corporations receive electronic data for legal matters in many different formats. This raises many potential challenges when attempting to process that data. Because those electronic documents may contain important evidence, any actions performed on that data must be done in a highly professional and procedural manner.
Tape media is the most widely used form of media for the archiving of data, and has been for approximately four decades. Although most companies now store data on hard drives, many of them still maintain their older files in vast libraries of tapes.The problem with these older formats is having the right equipment to either read or simply convert them to newer technologies.
ACE Data Group has extensive experience helping Law Firms and Corporations with their evidentiary data management.Among the services we offer areas are:
As with all of our litigation services, ACE Data Group exceeds required evidentiary standards and chain-of-custody protocols. All forensics data is kept in a fire-proof safe in our facilities, under separate lock and key.